GPS Police sells to small business, service industries, oil and gas, law enforcement, corrections, and other government agencies.

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More Google™ reviews… 4.9 ★★★★★     52 Google™ reviews

Val Harris wrote: “Their customer service is outstanding and we will continue to give them our ongoing business! Thank you!”

Micheal Brock wrote: “Amazing service thanks guys equipment work great and they answer the phones quickly!”

Liza Diaz wrote: “Loved the personal, detailed service especially for a non-tech person such as myself. Problem resolution with prompt informative/understandable email support. The training they offered really helped me. Money well spent on a quality product that really works.”

Proudly serving these fine companies… and many more. Trican, Alberta Health Services, Nabors Drilling, Transport Québec, Clark Construction, Cenovus Energy

The GPS Police advantage.

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